BIRDY ✔ Enhance combining skills ✔ Develop color recognition ✔ Promote teamwork with others ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 1 and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? Birdy has two…
CANDY ✔ Promote color recognition ✔ Enhance speech and combining skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 1-8 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? The players throw three color dices and need to quickly…
CATCH THE NUMBER ✔ Promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ✔ Develop mathematic skills ✔ Enhance speech and combining skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 5 years and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WORKBOOK! How to play? Who…
EL GECKO ✔ Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ✔ Enhance balancing skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? The small gecko George and his friends want to…
FAIRY LAND ✔ Enhance speech and memory skills ✔ Recognizing and naming colors ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? The little magic elves live hidden in deep forests…
FIRE ALARM ✔ Develop logical thinking skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 3 years and above ✔ Players: 2-4 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? Help — the building is on fire! Fortunately, all the animals and…
FLEETY FISHES ✔ Develop color recognition ✔ Enhance combining skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 2-4 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? Bright fish swim around in the colorful coral reef. But…
FLOOPING ✔ Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 2 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? Bats fly through the air searching for a place to…
FROG DOG ✔ Recognize and name animals ✔ Enhance creativity thinking ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 2-6 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? Birdphant, catmouse or frogdog? What kind of funny…
FUN PARK ✔ Develop social communication skills ✔ Enhance memory skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE WORKBOOK! How to play? The park‘s young visitors have an exciting day ahead of…
FUNNY CROCODILE ✔ Promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ✔ Enhance balancing skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 24 months and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MANUAL! How to play? A balancing game: Mum crocodile is holding her colourful…
HAPPY FARM ✔ Enhance speech development by describing, communication ✔ Develop social behaviour ✔ Communication activities while playing together with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 2-4 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? On their way over the course, the players collect animals and exchange…
HAPPY MAGIC ✔ Enhance color recognition ✔ Promote logical thinking ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 3 years and above ✔ Players: 2-4 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? The little potion brewing experts search under mushrooms for…
HOBBY ✔ Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ✔ Recognizing and assigning various motifs to one theme ✔ Promote creativity thinking ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Players: 1-4 ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION!…
LEGOLINO ✔ Develop logical thinking skills ✔ Enhance geometrical matching skills ✔ Engage in fun-filled group communication activities with family and friends! ✔ Age group: 4 years and above ✔ Comes with individual quality and safety awards CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MANUAL! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTRUCTION! How to play? This game, which is based on…